NOKL 830487         
Too bad railroads never plaster their names across cars like this.
Date: 9/6/2011 Location: Saginaw, TX   Map Show Saginaw on a rail map Views: 142 Collection Of:   Roberto Alaniz
Rolling Stock: NOKL 830487 (Covered Hopper) Author:  Roberto Alaniz
NOKL 830487
Picture Categories: RollingStock,Yard This picture is part of album:  Freight Cars 1
User Comments
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Rick Erben General You're right. One thinks of how DT&I had their logo and large initials & numerous other examples. Even CRGX tank cars have the small logo removed now. It seems to be a question of being more anonymous these days. 9/8/2011 10:20:32 AM

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